All in Play

REVIEW: "America is Hard to See"

 “America is Hard to See” by Life Jacket Theatre Company is a new documentary play with music that explores the lives of a community of child sex offenders in Florida, testing the limits of our capacity for empathy and forgiveness.  Deeply unsettling, surprisingly humane, and ultimately uplifting, it is a powerful play that provokes more questions than answers, and is guaranteed to leave you changed.

REVIEW: “He Brought Her Heart Back In A Box”

Trailblazing experimental African American playwright Adrienne Kennedy’s powerful new play, “He Brought Her Heart Back in a Box”, pieces together an anatomy of interracial young love amidst 1940s Georgia, stewing in the horrific inescapability of history, the tragedy of racism, and contradictions of life in the Jim Crow South.  Dense, quick, sentimental, angry, and mysterious, this is one new work from a legend worth checking out.

REVIEW: “Cardinal”

Greg Pierce’s new play “Cardinal” is bland and platitudinous, offering a superficial patina of hot-button discussion about economic and social change with little resolution or ideological point of view; too comfortable and vague, it falls back on easy tropes and says little that is new.  Skip this one.

REVIEW: Grappling with buried trauma in “The Homecoming Queen”

“The Homecoming Queen” by Ngozi Anyanwu is a mysterious and reconciliatory meditation on buried trauma, family history, and liberation into one’s true self through the story of a novelist returning to her native Nigeria to visit with her ailing father and confront ghosts from her past.  Thematically taut but frustrating in its opacity, the play is a confident offering from an emerging playwright worth watching.

REVIEW: John Lithgow’s “Stories By Heart”

“John Lithgow: Stories By Heart” is actor John Lithgow’s love letter to storytelling in which he performs two short stories by Ring Lardner and P.G. Wodehouse and shares a few of his own.  Mr. Lithgow is charming as ever, and gives an impressive performance, but the show itself is disappointing and long-winded.  I wanted more Lithgow, and less Lardner and Wodehouse.